You'll be welcomed into a friendly environment by people who are excited to see you.
We want you to have an idea of what to expect when you arrive. All you have to do from here is come as you are and find out more for yourself!
What do I wear?
You will find all manner of dress at FAPC, from formal attire to casual on Wednesday nights. You are welcome to wear whatever is appropriate, as you come to worship God.
Where do I park?
We currently do not have guest reserved parking spaces. We are looking into this for the future. Please, just park in any available parking space. Once you arrive, you can enter the main entrance. We will be there to greet you!
What are the service times?
You can join us in service Sunday's at 9:30 AM and 6:30 PM. We have a Wednesday evening bible study at 7:30 PM. *TIMES HAVE CHANGED DUE TO COVID-19*
How long are the services?
Typically, 1.5 hours on Sunday morning (around 30 minutes of worship and an 1 hour of Sunday school) and 1.5 hours on Sunday evening. Midweek service usually lasts around 1.5 hours.
What can I expect?
The Church: We believe the church is a hospital, where individuals come to heal, to grow, and to be made whole. Just like any hospital would, we receive any and all, no matter their background or previous experience. Simply put, you are welcome here, and we believe you belong here!
Our Worship: You may have heard that Pentecostals (which is what we are) are lively in their worship. That would be correct! While it may not be what some are used to, we are demonstrative in our worship and praise, which is encouraged in the Word of God and is a natural response to both God’s greatness and His grace in our lives. We love to worship!
Our Family: Just like in any local church, at FAPC, we truly believe that we are a church family. In essence, we do life together. We pray for one another, care for one another, and serve one another to the best of our ability. Oftentimes, individuals enter our doors looking for a church but leave with a family. That is our desire for you as well.
What does Sunday School look like?
Typically, we have around 1 hour of teaching in any number of classes, including children’s classes of all ages, youth, and our Adult Bible Study class in our main sanctuary.